Frequently Asked Questions

Everything about Vaipo

How do I download Vaipo?

Vaipo is available on the Apple Store. Simply search for 'Vaipo' to download it. Versions for Android and web are in development and coming soon. Stay tuned!

How can I create an account on Vaipo?

Open the app after downloading and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account. You can also sign up using your Google ID or Apple ID account for convenience.

Is Vaipo free?

Vaipo offers a free version with limited voice time and tokens to help you organize your life using voice or text commands. If you need more voice time and tokens, you can subscribe or buy packages.

What are tokens?

Tokens are like virtual coins used to create events and tasks with Vaipo via voice or text commands. Each time you use Vaipo to plan or create a task, you spend tokens.

Will Vaipo have more functionality?

Vaipo is continually evolving. Our dedicated team is working hard to provide new features with every release. Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Does Vaipo support my language?

Vaipo supports multiple languages and we are continually adding more. If your preferred language is not available, contact our support team and we will consider adding it.

What is app language and how can I change it?

The app language is the language in which you see the app's interface. It usually matches your phone's language, but you can change it anytime under App Language by going to Settings > Configurations.

What is communication language and how can I change it?

The communication language is the language you use to talk or text to Vaipo. It can be different from the app language. First, you will set it when creating your account and you can change it anytime under Communication Language by going to Settings > Configurations.

How do I integrate my other calendars with Vaipo?

Go to Settings > Integrations in the app to connect your Apple or Google calendar. Integration with Outlook and other calendar services is planned and will be introduced soon.

I told Vaipo about my plans, but nothing was created.

Ensure you are communicating in the language set as your communication language. Also, check if you have enough voice time and tokens or if you are subscribed. If the problem persists, contact our support team for assistance.

I am trying to log in, but I receive an error saying ‘this account doesn’t exist’.

Ensure you created an account with the email you are trying to log in with. If you signed in using Google or Apple sign-in buttons, you must use these buttons again to log in. If you want to log in using your email and password, make sure you didn't use Google or Apple sign-in initially. If this doesn’t work, you might need to reset your password using the form 'Forgor password'.

If I have an active package and I buy another package, what will happen?

Any purchased package will be added to your existing package, extending your voice time and tokens.

If I have an active package but subscribe to the app, what happens?

As a subscribed member, you will have unlimited voice time and tokens. Your previously purchased package time and tokens will remain available. If you cancel your subscription, you can use your remaining package time and tokens.

How does Vaipo protect my privacy?

Vaipo ensures data security and encryps your data to prevent unauthorized access. We store your data only while your account is active, and all data is permanently deleted upon account deletion. Vaipo is committed to your privacy and does not share your data with third parties.

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